Unfortunately, after the 2020 fire, the Forest Service permitted lots of clearcutting around Breitenbush - on the road from Detroit, next to the guest parking lot and in the summer home area. Breitenbush also cut many fire damaged trees on the property including the whole guest cabin area and around where the Sanctuary and massage buildings were. The stumps were pulled and some areas have been replanted.
Some areas on the drive from Detroit look like this
Breitenbush is getting some big work done
The entrance is no longer tree-lined |
The parking lot and the grounds are less crowded
You can now see Devils Ridge from the parking lot
The smoking shelter is now exposed
The old cabin area with Buddha's Playhouse on the left
Former A row cabin ridge with Buddha's Playhouse on the right
The missing Sanctuary and old recycle shed area is replanted
Massage building and trees gone above the bridge
The now exposed ridge above the bridge
Near meadow pool
Magic pool is intact but not the woods behind
Inner Path is now very short
The Boneyard has a view now
The Hill Cabin is getting remodeled into lodging spaces
Some new changing buildings in the meadow
Milky Way is moved to where the guest bathhouse was
Far meadow pool's view is still great
The bridge's downstream view is the same
Upstream view is the same except no dam now
Labyrinth is still there
Paths are intact
Platform tent area looks the same
Lodge and lawn are good
Lobby and dining now in the lodge north wing